Light and dark pink and white alstroemeria bouquet will surprise anyone. The shades of flowers may vary, however, the bouquet with look similar regardless. Bouquet of such colors is especially suitable to give to women – friends, mothers, colleagues, or your loved woman. Alstroemerias are special flowers because they symbolize friendship, they express care, sincerity, and warmth. For that reason, this bouquet is perfect to give when you want to visit someone, or to show and apology.
Colorful alstroemerias
€22.50 – €62.50
Alstroemerias are small-flowered and brightly-colored flowers. For that reason, they are often composed in bouquets, however, a bouquet of only alstroemerias is a wonderful gift for the receiver.
We choose the color of the alstroemerias according to what we have in the store at the time of ordering.
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