For those who are looking for an elegant, stylish and very cozy flower option, we offer a bouquet of two-colored carnations. This bouquet consists of a quantity of flowers of your choice, ranging from 9 carnations to 101 carnations. The price of the bouquet also depends on the amount of carnations chosen. Give flowers to Mom on Mother’s Day, Wife on wedding anniversaries, to friends celebrating a special day for them. The bouquet consists of two colors, and we choose the color of the flowers at the time of order according to what we have in stock at the time. If you prefer specific carnation colors, please contact us and we will try to find the flowers you want and to put them in a bouquet. To make a bouquet of two-colored carnations to look even more beautiful, we will tie it with a ribbon, trim the ends properly and make a very beautiful composition. We deliver this composition directly to the recipient at your home or at any other location you specify. Don’t forget to add a beautiful postcard to your flowers and write greetings to your special person on it.
Two-color bouquet of carnations
€22.50 – €67.50
Carnation is one of the most elegant flower, it can be used to create a unique gift for your loved ones. We usually choose the colors of the flowers ourselves, depending on the stock of them we have at the time. The ribbon is adjusted according to the colors of the petals.
We choose the color of the carnation according to what we have in the store at the time of ordering.
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